Friday, 2 August 2013

New deadline

Due to summer holidays starting in some countries/counties, I'll give you more time.
The nex deadline is Friday, the 16th August.
Do your best, because not only the jury, but also a quite famous guest judge will take a look at your work!


Mangunmeetan said...

That's sad. I put in SO much effort in getting my work done in time (for a change) :( I thought you were quite strict in saying, " I will NOT give you more time, if you don't hand in your tasks on time, you're out."
Besides, summer holidays starting gives you more time, no?

Cathérine Cerise said...

I know, and I wanted to stick to this deadline. But Manda told me that she would go on holidays with her family and without her laptop, which would mean that she wouldn't be able to give in hers. Since Carry had a wrist injury, you would be the only contestant, and that would be quite boring in the finale, wouldn't it?

I hope you can understand my decision, Cathy