Saturday, 2 February 2013

May i present you my amazing jury?

Hola chicas y chicos!

Finally, I checked all of the jury applications and I was surprised to see how many talented people applied! Thank you for that, it's been both a pleasure and a torture to decide for only 3 co-judges. So, after a long time, i decided for the first judge which is .......

me aka Cathérine or mathildamath. Haha, just joking, of course I am not my own co-judge :D But since I'm a part of the jury nonetheless, I thought I'd show you a picture of mine. I am 16 years old/young, go to high school in Northern Germany which I'll finish in about a year. In my free time - which i barely have thanks to school - I play the piano, meet friends or do strange things like visiting physics & maths courses. Of course, I also play Stardoll and I run two blogs apart from this one, The Stardoll Blossom and my portfolio since I am a graphic artist. The reason why I created this comp is to help dolls enter the modeling world. I've competed in many competitions myself, e.g. RNTM where I won cycle 4, and model in various magazines. I am so excited for this comp - Don't hesitate, just do it!

And then there are of course my real co-judges! The first of them is really talented in doing graphics - she doesn't only own a magazine called FLARE but she's also writing for The Graphic Vault. Let's have a wonderful time together judging all those fantastic entries that are to come,  ... Cute.Miss.Lola aka Emma!

My second co-judge will hopefully bring some portuguese temperament to this competition! She's also a talented graphic designer running her own graphics blog, her own magazine and competing in Dollywood's most famous graphic competition - SNTGD! Let's rock that comp ... EllieCase aka João!

Last but not least... we have a male judge! He's a big collector and has a wonderful style! Thanks for helping me, dear xXxDeliaxXx aka Raul! Click on his photograph to get to his suite (also works with the other 3 graphics).

Thank you to everyone who applied, I am sorry that i wasn't able to accept everyone. All those who applied but who I couldn't take into my jury are now allowed to apply as a contestant here or somment under this post saying that they want to be a guest judge - you will be accepted as a guest judge, promised! Take another look at our jury and feel free to apply as a guest judge here or apply as a contestant here!

xoxo Cathérine


EllieCase (Joao) said...

Excited to start judging! I'm sure this competition will be great and will have lots of good models!
XO, EllieCase

Rafael/Rafi101 said...

Raul (!) is part of the jury?! LOL :DDD
I'm very excited to see how this competition will turn out, you're already doing amazing Cathy ;*

Cathérine Cerise said...

What do you mean by Raul (!), Rafi? :D :D

Reina said...

Wow, I like the jury!!
I applied as a contestant, I have hope I´ll be on the 20 choosen ones.