Hola chicas y chicos!
Finally, I checked all of the jury applications and I was surprised to see how many talented people applied! Thank you for that, it's been both a pleasure and a torture to decide for only 3 co-judges. So, after a long time, i decided for the first judge which is .......
me aka Cathérine or mathildamath. Haha, just joking, of course I am not my own co-judge :D But since I'm a part of the jury nonetheless, I thought I'd show you a picture of mine. I am 16 years old/young, go to high school in Northern Germany which I'll finish in about a year. In my free time - which i barely have thanks to school - I play the piano, meet friends or do strange things like visiting physics & maths courses. Of course, I also play Stardoll and I run two blogs apart from this one, The Stardoll Blossom and my portfolio since I am a graphic artist. The reason why I created this comp is to help dolls enter the modeling world. I've competed in many competitions myself, e.g. RNTM where I won cycle 4, and model in various magazines. I am so excited for this comp - Don't hesitate, just do it!
And then there are of course my real co-judges! The first of them is really talented in doing graphics - she doesn't only own a magazine called FLARE but she's also writing for The Graphic Vault. Let's have a wonderful time together judging all those fantastic entries that are to come, ... Cute.Miss.Lola aka Emma!
My second co-judge will hopefully bring some portuguese temperament to this competition! She's also a talented graphic designer running her own graphics blog, her own magazine and competing in Dollywood's most famous graphic competition - SNTGD! Let's rock that comp ... EllieCase aka João!
Last but not least... we have a male judge! He's a big collector and has a wonderful style! Thanks for helping me, dear xXxDeliaxXx aka Raul! Click on his photograph to get to his suite (also works with the other 3 graphics).
Thank you to everyone who applied, I am sorry that i wasn't able to accept everyone. All those who applied but who I couldn't take into my jury are now allowed to apply as a contestant here or somment under this post saying that they want to be a guest judge - you will be accepted as a guest judge, promised! Take another look at our jury and feel free to apply as a guest judge here or apply as a contestant here!
xoxo Cathérine
Excited to start judging! I'm sure this competition will be great and will have lots of good models!
XO, EllieCase
Raul (!) is part of the jury?! LOL :DDD
I'm very excited to see how this competition will turn out, you're already doing amazing Cathy ;*
What do you mean by Raul (!), Rafi? :D :D
Wow, I like the jury!!
I applied as a contestant, I have hope I´ll be on the 20 choosen ones.
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